Awareness Insight Meditation
Facilitator Training

Course starts: May 2, 2023
Registrations close: March 31, 2023 or when course is full

"I don't really see what I do as teaching. More like guiding people to have their own experiences and then helping them commit and get consistent. Sure, there is some science, some logistics and some psychology that can be helpful – especially for the Western mind, but at the end of the day, meditation has to be experienced firsthand to be understood"

- Claire Robbie, AIM Lead Teacher

AIM Teacher Training 2023 Info Evening

Course Outline

The AIM Facilitator Training supports and instructs meditators who wish to deepen their practice but also wish to be effective teachers of meditation. The comprehensive 12-month curriculum is a combination of theory, philosophy, ancient knowledge and science combined with the practicalities of being a teacher in this modern world. During the 12-month program students will have many real opportunities to lead groups, guide meditations, create workshops and facilitate online events. At the end of the training they will be able to facilitate the 3-part AIM Foundational Course as well as create workshops authentic to their own style/influences.  

Awareness Insight Meditation is a self-sufficient, eyes-closed, seated daily meditation practice. AIM is an open-monitoring style of meditation in a similar vein to Vipassana, Insight Meditation or loving-kindness meditation.

The 3-part AIM Foundational Course is a comprehensive meditation course that instructs students not just on technique or ‘how-to’ meditate but covers the psychology, biology and neuroscience of meditation. It has been influenced by Buddhist, Vedic and Yogic traditions. The course is an explanation of human nature and also as to why creating and sustaining new habits can be a challenge for us humans.  ‍

We will work with teacher trainees to become more confident communicators, and encourage the skills to draw from their own mediation experience to be an effective teacher.

This training also includes a mentor program with other AIM Facilitators, working with a communication coach and a buddy study system to create an effective study and learning environment.

Whether or not you wish to become a meditation teacher, the course will amplify and deepen your own meditative practices, knowledge and evolution.

This course is run online to make it accessible for people around the world.


  • 800 Hour AIMFT with The School of Modern Meditation

  • 500 hr Meditation Teacher Certification with The Meditation Alliance International

The AIM FT has been created and is led by Claire Robbie, Founder of The School of Modern Meditation. Claire has had some powerful teachers over the years along her meditative path, but none so much as life and motherhood. Her teachings are inspired by her own experiences and two decades of practice. This is her third meditation teacher training and the training itself incorporates many of the practices, material, commitments & readings that have been pivotal for her.  

Course intention

  • Create an environment that encourages creativity, expression and curiosity

  • Create effective, knowledgeable, confident facilitators of meditation each with their own voice

  • Give students tangible, practical experience leading groups and facilitating workshops

  • Strengthen our meditation community so we can be more effective an and far reaching

View the full course curriculum and requirements


  • Fill in the application form and email Claire to set up a time for a phone interview. 

    If approved you will need to secure your space with the deposit. Full payment or payment plan needs to be arranged or processed upon signing of the course contract.

    Applications close March 31, 2023.

    • One payment of $7,800 + GST due Feb 28th. Early Bird discount of 10% off full course fee applies to full payments received before Dec 15, 2022.

    • 2 instalments instalments of $4,100 + GST due Feb 28th & August 31st

    • 4 instalments of $2,150 + GST due Jan 1st, April, 1, July 1, Oct 1

    Full balance must be paid by April 1, 2023.

    After April 1, 2023, for any reason you pull out or can’t complete the course you must pay the balance you owe. There are no refunds unless we can find someone to fill your space.

    • Teaching and facilitation of the above curriculum at The School of Modern Meditation

    • Workbook materials

    • Examination process

    • Certification - if student qualifies

    • Books listed in curriculum

    • Transport/travel to retreat centre

    • Retreat fees